

6401 Deerings Lane
Norcross GA 30092

Exceptional crafting of physical models

Excellent artistry in graphic design

Seeking IDP hours for licensure 



Art + Edu

Nicholas Coffee


The charter high school for the arts drew its inspiration from the adjacent urban fabric, allowing for the best views of the city. Each section of the building has different lighting conditions to best fit the learning environment. Classrooms and gardens are on the Southern facade, art studios on the Northern facade, with large functions housed in-between. The circulation ramp facing the West gives movement and visualization back to the street, while allowing light to filter through the screen, mimicking tree silhouettes.


Nicholas Coffee

Massing studies of the programatic elements of an apartment complex. Analyzing forms and circulation integrated with open spaces or roof top access.

Walnut & Pinewood.

Garden Entry

Nicholas Coffee

Color study of an entry condition between garden and residence.

Ink on strathmore. 

Florence Gallery

Nicholas Coffee

A small 10m x 10m site located in Florence, Italy. Designed to lure citizens passing on the street inside using 2-way glass on the facade. People on the street see the patrons inside the gallery looking at art and are drawn inside by curiosity. People inside the gallery are focused only  on the art and are not allowed visual connection with the street due to the 2-way glass. 


Nicholas Coffee

A concept design for a narrow apartment building squeezed into a lot of 25' x 100'. The rotations of the apartments allows for unique patio spaces and diffused lighting to filter down through the building. A quarter of the bay was taken (12.5') to make the programed space and then rotated following the fibonacci golden ratio of 1.618. As the apartments stack they shrink a bay in length, creating a porch space with the apartment below.

Torii Gate

Nicholas Coffee

Torri gates, which are located at the entrances of Buddhist shrines, represent the transition from the profane to the sacred. The garden becomes the sacred, encapsulated by a ring of gates marking an interlocking transitional space. Focusing on the construction methods of Japanese joinery the trellis is designed with no adhesives or fasteners, creating a more organic relationship to the site. This interlocking system supports a glass roof to protect visitors from the rain.

1/2 scale wooden mock up  |  [ Full project ]

Renaissance Models

Nicholas Coffee

While studying abroad in Italy, I was able to visit and analyze the old wooden models of the renaissance. Models by Leon Battista Alberti, Giovanni Bologna, Filippo Brunelleschi and Bernardo Buontalenti.

Wall Typologies

Nicholas Coffee

This project studied the possibilities of fixing wall parameters to specific programatic spaces. Using a classroom as an example, is it possible to create 1 or 2 wall types that best fit the lighting and acoustical needs of the space? This would then expand to create a datum of walls that each fit certain lighting conditions of the space. Rooms would grow organically from the inside out based on the program requirements.

Palazzo Strozzi

Nicholas Coffee

Analysis of the mathematical proportions of the Palazzo Strozzi, in Florence Italy.

Squares & double squares are shown in blue while golden rectangles are shown in orange.

Graphite on vellum.